I am once again very excited to announce this rare public performance later this month. Most of my work is private events, so I’m taking advantage of this opportunity to premiere many of the new pieces of magic from my evening show that I am most excited about!
Please consider coming not just for the incredible magic and passionate burlesque, but also come to help @timewriterthemovie as this is our final round of fundraising to bring this film to life.
EVENT: Magic show by "Hollywood's Favorite Magician" JEFF BLACK and seductive burlesque performances by @officialsarahlouise
Following the show dancing all night with music by @mikexmerchant
Venue: @songbirdcafela
WRITTEN BY: @ryanwritesreality
STORY: A girl @melanysmith28 attempts to prevent a murder in 1944 using a typewriter that is also a time machine.
JEFF BLACK stars as “The Mustache Man” a psychopath writer who murders women and writes short stories about his conquests.
-Finalist, Outstanding Screenplays Shorts Competition 2022
-Semifinalist, Screenwriters Network
- SWN Short Film Screenplay Competition 2022 Quarterfinalist
-Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards Season 7
May 27th Tix: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/magic-burlesque-tickets-616011826957